Microsoft Form Survey

Create a New Survey & Share a Link

  1. Navigate to the Yale Microsoft Office 365 suite online:
  2. Click “Sign In” or “Get Started”
  3. Enter your Yale email address and click “Next”
  4. Enter your Yale NetID password
  5. Click “Sign In” again and “No”
    • You might need to click “Get Started” again and re-enter your email address
  6. Click “Create a New Form” or “New Form” Click on “Untitled” to rename the form
  7. Add a description (e.g. Course Name & Number or Section)
  8. Click “Add New” to create a new question
  9. Select the question type (multiple choice, text entry, rating, ranking, file upload, etc.)
  10. Enter the question and answer options
  11. After adding all questions, click “Share”
    • Change the settings as desired; it is recommended that you switch to “Anyone with the link can respond” for ease of use
  12. Copy the link and share it with your students

How-to Video

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Step-by-step Guides for Microsoft Forms