Pre-Course Surveys

Many instructors find it valuable to conduct a pre-course survey to learn more about their students. The survey can provide faculty with useful student information, from their preparation to interests to anticipated challenges, and reinforce care for students’ educational experiences.

The Poorvu Center and faculty from across the University have drafted questions for instructors to adapt as needed to assess student circumstances and identify potential concerns. These questions can serve as a starting point for instructors to communicate with their students, demonstrating value to students’ unique circumstances and supporting continuity in their education.

Instructors can create a pre-course survey in Qualtrics, Canvas Quizzes, or Microsoft Forms

Sample Questions

1) What is the name you prefer to be called for this course? If that name is different than what is in Canvas, please note that too.

2) What are your pronouns?

3) Do you have access to a standard computer or tablet to do your course work? 

a. Yes

b. No

c. Other: ______________

4) Do you have any accessibility requests?

5) When was the last time you had any interaction with this subject matter? What is your reason for taking this class now?

6) What challenges do you anticipate in taking this course? What ideas do you have about addressing these potential challenges?

7) What would you like me to know about you and the circumstances under which you are learning this semester?

8) In a few sentences, what is one of the most memorable/exciting/interesting learning you experienced last semester?